I'm using Typhoon library for Dependency Injection Framework. I use CocoaPod
for installing this library. Here is my pod file:
target "typhoon-swift-demo" do
pod 'Typhoon'
target "typhoon-swift-demoTests" do
I have installed successfully but when I open workspace project file. I type those line of code as Typhoon sample code:
public class ApplicationAssembly: TyphoonAssembly {
I meet error that my application doesn't recognize TyphoonAssembly
I have tried to use some lines such as:
import Typhoon // not recogize typhoon
import TyphoonAssembly // not regconize
Please tell me how to fix this problem. What should I add before I can use library. Thanks :)
You have to import the Pod header files using Objective-C and not Swift. So you'll be mixing the two languages if you want to use CocoaPods with Swift. Here's a great tutorial on how to accomplish this.