I am trying to learn Wt for a project and right now I am trying to learn database part of it.
I am stuck at the beginning. I am trying to learn it from dbo tutorials (there is a tutorial in the website http://www.webtoolkit.eu/wt/doc/tutorial/dbo/tutorial.html#_installing_tt_wt_dbo_tt) which is in the examples that comes within the Wt package (tutorial1.C)
I am using Qt compiler (5.) in ubuntu. I have build the Wt::Dbo library as it says in the website tutorial (linked above). the problem is it still gives an error which is;
cannot find lGL
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Here is the code that comes within Wt (directly copied from tutorial1.C)
* Copyright (C) 2010 Emweb bvba, Kessel-Lo, Belgium.
* See the LICENSE file for terms of use.
* This file is part of the Wt::Dbo tutorial:
* http://www.webtoolkit.eu/wt/doc/tutorial/dbo/tutorial.html
#include <Wt/Dbo/Dbo>
#include <Wt/Dbo/backend/Sqlite3>
#include <string>
namespace dbo = Wt::Dbo;
* Dbo tutorial section 2. Mapping a single class
class User {
enum Role {
Visitor = 0,
Admin = 1,
Alien = 42
std::string name;
std::string password;
Role role;
int karma;
template<class Action>
void persist(Action& a)
dbo::field(a, name, "name");
dbo::field(a, password, "password");
dbo::field(a, role, "role");
dbo::field(a, karma, "karma");
void run()
* Dbo tutorial section 3. A first session
* Setup a session, would typically be done once at application startup.
* For testing, we'll be using Sqlite3's special :memory: database. You
* can replace this with an actual filename for actual persistence.
dbo::backend::Sqlite3 sqlite3(":memory:");
sqlite3.setProperty("show-queries", "true");
dbo::Session session;
* Try to create the schema (will fail if already exists).
dbo::Transaction transaction(session);
User *user = new User();
user->name = "Joe";
user->password = "Secret";
user->role = User::Visitor;
user->karma = 13;
dbo::ptr<User> userPtr = session.add(user);
* Dbo tutorial section 4. Querying objects
dbo::Transaction transaction(session);
dbo::ptr<User> joe = session.find<User>().where("name = ?").bind("Joe");
std::cerr << "Joe has karma: " << joe->karma << std::endl;
dbo::ptr<User> joe2 = session.query< dbo::ptr<User> >
("select u from user u").where("name = ?").bind("Joe");
dbo::Transaction transaction(session);
typedef dbo::collection< dbo::ptr<User> > Users;
Users users = session.find<User>();
std::cerr << "We have " << users.size() << " users:" << std::endl;
for (Users::const_iterator i = users.begin(); i != users.end(); ++i)
std::cerr << " user " << (*i)->name
<< " with karma of " << (*i)->karma << std::endl;
* Dbo tutorial section 5. Updating objects
dbo::Transaction transaction(session);
dbo::ptr<User> joe = session.find<User>().where("name = ?").bind("Joe");
joe.modify()->password = "public";
dbo::Transaction transaction(session);
dbo::ptr<User> joe = session.find<User>().where("name = ?").bind("Joe");
if (joe)
dbo::Transaction transaction(session);
dbo::ptr<User> silly = session.add(new User());
silly.modify()->name = "Silly";
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Thanks in advance
It seems the problem occurs because of the .pro file. I am not sure how it works but the problem is gone when I replaced the pro file as I first implemented it (copy-paste from another .pro file with very little modifications and there should not be any differences between the first one the the last one).