
TypeError: int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'tuple' with couchdb-python

I got

$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 48, in <module>
    test.pos = i[3],
  File "/home/mic/.virtualenvs/test/lib/python2.7/site-packages/couchdb/", line 105, in __set__
    value = self._to_json(value)
  File "/home/mic/.virtualenvs/test/lib/python2.7/site-packages/couchdb/", line 112, in _to_json
    return self._to_python(value)
TypeError: int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'tuple'

with the below script and couchdb-python (0.9):

from couchdb.mapping import Document, TextField, IntegerField, Mapping
from couchdb.mapping import DictField, ViewField, BooleanField, ListField
from couchdb import Server

# $ sudo systemctl start couchdb
# http://localhost:5984/_utils/

class Test(Document):
    type = TextField()     # "Test"
    name = TextField()     # "name"
    sub_name = TextField() # "B01"
    pos = IntegerField()   # 828288

    s_type = IntegerField()  # 1
    _id = IntegerField()  # x_type = 7
    chr = ListField(DictField(
        letter=TextField(),  # C
        no=IntegerField(),  # 5

server = Server()
db = server.create("test")

r = [["Test", "A", "B01", 828288,  1,    7, 'C', 5],
    ["Test", "A", "B01", 828288,  1,    7, 'T', 6],
    ["Test", "A", "B01", 171878,  3,    8, 'C', 5],
    ["Test", "A", "B01", 171878,  3,    8, 'T', 6],
    ["Test", "A", "B01", 871963,  3,    9, 'A', 5],
    ["Test", "A", "B01", 871963,  3,    9, 'G', 6],
    ["Test", "A", "B01", 1932523, 1,   10, 'T', 4],
    ["Test", "A", "B01", 1932523, 1,   10, 'A', 5],
    ["Test", "A", "B01", 1932523, 1,   10, 'X', 6],
    ["Test", "A", "B01", 667214,  1,   14, 'T', 4],
    ["Test", "A", "B01", 667214,  1,   14, 'G', 5],
    ["Test", "A", "B01", 667214,  1,   14, 'G', 6]]

for i in r:
    print i[3]

    test = Test()

    test.type = i[0], = i[1],
    test.sub_name = i[2],
    test.pos = i[3],
    test.s_type = i[4],
    test._id = i[5],

How is is possible to fix the TypeError?


  • You need to delete the comma in your code, then you'll have no error.

    from couchdb.mapping import Document, TextField, IntegerField, Mapping
    from couchdb.mapping import DictField, ViewField, BooleanField, ListField
    from couchdb import Server
    # $ sudo systemctl start couchdb
    # http://localhost:5984/_utils/
    class Test(Document):
        type = TextField()     # "Test"
        name = TextField()     # "name"
        sub_name = TextField() # "B01"
        pos = IntegerField()   # 828288
        s_type = IntegerField()  # 1
        _id = IntegerField()  # x_type = 7
        chr = ListField(DictField(
            letter=TextField(),  # C
            no=IntegerField(),  # 5
    server = Server()
    db = server.create("test")
    r = [["Test", "A", "B01", 828288,  1,    7, 'C', 5],
        ["Test", "A", "B01", 828288,  1,    7, 'T', 6],
        ["Test", "A", "B01", 171878,  3,    8, 'C', 5],
        ["Test", "A", "B01", 171878,  3,    8, 'T', 6],
        ["Test", "A", "B01", 871963,  3,    9, 'A', 5],
        ["Test", "A", "B01", 871963,  3,    9, 'G', 6],
        ["Test", "A", "B01", 1932523, 1,   10, 'T', 4],
        ["Test", "A", "B01", 1932523, 1,   10, 'A', 5],
        ["Test", "A", "B01", 1932523, 1,   10, 'X', 6],
        ["Test", "A", "B01", 667214,  1,   14, 'T', 4],
        ["Test", "A", "B01", 667214,  1,   14, 'G', 5],
        ["Test", "A", "B01", 667214,  1,   14, 'G', 6]]
    for i in r:
        print i[3]
        test = Test()
        test.type = i[0] = i[1]
        test.sub_name = i[2]
        test.pos = i[3]
        test.s_type = i[4]
        test._id = i[5]