I am trying to change the text between the "h3" tags. New text should be moved from json-file. But the programm can not find the "h3"-element while the fields from the json-file are being read correctly. Here is a part of the json-file:
var teachers=JSON.parse( string_teachers );
var i;
var T_name;
var Subject;
for (i=1; i<teachers.Teachers.length+1; i++) {
var str="#"+i;
And a part of the html:
<div class="grid" id="1">
<img src="teachers/bobr.jpg">
<h3 >Боброва Даша</h3>
<p>Математический анализ</p>
<div class="divider">
<img src="views/divider.png" >
<div class="grid" id="2">
<img src="teachers/korolev.jpg">
<h3>Королев Даня</h3>
<p>Программирование 1</p>
it looks you are missing jQuery function. here:
Use it:
I was missing some at JSON, yor issue is: DOM is no loaded yet when you are trying to access it
function foo() {
var string_teachers = '{"Teachers":[{"T_name":"value1", "Subject": "value2"},{"T_name":"value2", "Subject": "value2"}]}'
var teachers = JSON.parse(string_teachers);
var i;
var T_name;
var Subject;
for (var i = 0; i < teachers.Teachers.length; i++) {
T_name = teachers.Teachers[i].T_name;
Subject = teachers.Teachers[i].Subject;
var str = "#" + (i+1);