When I initialize d3.js and dc.js using JsniBundle there is no global variable "dc" or "d3" that is created. But I initialze crossfilter in the same way and there is window.crossfilter present.
My question is: what is the best way to call methods from the dc library using JsniBundle? Is using JsUtils.prop(window, "dc")
the correct way to get a reference to the library object?
In the method drawBarChartWidget() below, the variable "dc" is null.
public interface D3Bundle extends JsniBundle {
public void initD3();
public interface CrossfilterBundle extends JsniBundle {
public abstract void initCrossfilter();
public abstract static class DCBundle implements JsniBundle {
public abstract void initDC();
public void drawBarChart(Widget container, JSONValue data, Properties chartConfig) {
JavaScriptObject dc = JsUtils.prop(window, "dc");
LayoutPanel layoutPanel = new LayoutPanel();
SimplePanel chartPanel = new SimplePanel();
public ChartDemo() {
D3Bundle d3 = GWT.create(D3Bundle.class);
CrossfilterBundle crossfilter = GWT.create(CrossfilterBundle.class);
final DCBundle dc = GWT.create(DCBundle.class);
Maybe not a direct answer to your question, but if you want to use d3.js
with GWT
, there is a wrapper that cover most of the main APIs from d3.js