Ok, here is a function that will read a file and paste the values on screen, however, i want to be able to printf a specific row. Now, should i create a loop that printf the entire file but does a system("cls");
everytime datacount is not equal to the user input, or is there a better way of doing this?
void NameSelect(void)
//Screen refresh
fFn=fopen("PDfirstN.txt","r"); //Opens student usernames
fscanf(fFn,"%16[^\n]%*c", stockF[DataCount].def); //Scans first line
fLn=fopen("PDlastN.txt","r"); //Opens student passwords
fscanf(fLn,"%16[^\n]%*c", stockL[DataCount].def2); //scans first line
printf("%d.", DataCount);
printf(" %s", stockF[DataCount].def);
printf(" %s", stockL[DataCount].def2);
DataCount=DataCount+1; //Next line counter
fscanf(fFn, "%16[^\n]%*c", stockF[DataCount].def); //Scans next line
fscanf(fLn, "%16[^\n]%*c", stockL[DataCount].def2);
while(!feof(fFn)); //While there accounts in user name file
Just don't call printf, if you don't want to display anything.
if (DataCount == DATA_COUNT_I_WANT) {
printf("%d.", DataCount);
printf(" %s", stockF[DataCount].def);
printf(" %s", stockL[DataCount].def2);
DataCount=DataCount+1; //Next line counter
fscanf(fFn, "%16[^\n]%*c", stockF[DataCount].def); //Scans next line
fscanf(fLn, "%16[^\n]%*c", stockL[DataCount].def2);
while(!feof(fFn)); //While there accounts in user name file