iOS 7.1.1
I'm following the instructions of the module "Testing Worklight mobile applications with the Mobile Test Workbench" for testing iOS applications
After the step "Preparing the application for testing" I see the app in the available applications tab and in the IBM Rational Test Workbench Mobile Client (Using Safari).
The problem is that the install button is disabled and the record button is enabled but when I click it I get the error "Safari cannot open the page because the address is invalid"
In the RTW infocenter there are instructions that explains that you must run some scripts before installing the app, but there is no mention about this in the Worklight training module.
I have generated the iPad environment and deployed it to Worklight, also I have tried to run the app in the iPad and it runs (I uninstalled it after test).
How do I install the app using the IBM Rational Test Workbench Mobile Client.
I have tried also using the script:
./ /<path>/TestRTWTestRTWIpad.xcodeproj
The app appears as available in the Mobile applications with a warning explaining that I have to manage it, I click the button to manage it and the warning disappear but the state is the same, the install button is disabled and the record button is enabled but when I click it I get the error "Safari cannot open the page because the address is invalid"
Since iOS7.1, the installation of an application from the device is no more possible in MTWW (because ITMS protocol requires now a signed certificate, anyway...)
You have 3 ways to install the instrumented application on your device:
I hope it helps!!