It seems like a really simple query but I must be missing something obvious. I am assuming that this scenario is pretty common.
I have a table which stores the products and another table that stores the transactions. The transaction table has information about the salesman. Now, I need to produce a report that lists all the products and includes id of the salesman who last sold this product.
I tried a simple query like:
select id, product_name, (select salesman_id from (select salesman_id from trans where product_id = order by trans_date desc) where rownum = 1) salesman_id from products a
This query gave me invalid identifier on
so after searching the net, I tried to add a LATERAL clause to it. like follows
select id, product_name, salesman_id from products a, LATERAL(select salesman_id from (select salesman_id from trans where product_id = order by trans_date desc) where rownum = 1)
but this query gives me incomplete SQL statement.
Is there a simple way to achieve this in a single query?
select id, product_name, salesman_id from
(select, p.product_name, t.salesman_id, row_number() over(partition by order by t.trans_date desc) rw
from products p left join trans t on t.product_id =
) where rw = 1;