
How to show find results in separate tab or window?

I started using Sublime Text 2 coming from Notepad++.

I cannot find a way to show the find results in a separate space (tab,window,sidebar whatever).

In notepad++ i had a little window showing the line where the string was found. I then could double click to go to the line.

I cant do that in Sublime. I press ctrl+f type my string and press Find All.

I have indication that x results found and can loop through them, but i cant make it open a separate space for them.

Also the Find results submenu in Find menu is grayed out.

what am i doing wrong?


  • OK, there are a few ways to use search in sublime. What you are doing is searching in the current file you have open CTRL+F.

    What I think you want to do is CTRL+Shift+F - then type your string and click 'find' – that will open a results panel in a new window/pane and you can click on the highlighted results to jump you to the place in that file.