I'm using Windows CE Platform Builder and my code is written in C++ . For each of the folders in the project I'm creating a lib ( the code is statically linked ) . However , there are about 20 libs so far . Is there a way to reduce their number ? I was thinking of creating a lib from other libs , but I don't know if that's even possible . Is it ?
EDIT: how could I do it ?
I haven't tried it in a while, but traditionally you could use the librarian tool (LIB.EXE) to do this sort of thing.
$ lib /? Microsoft (R) Library Manager Version 8.00.50727.762 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. usage: LIB [options] [files] options: /DEF[:filename] /ERRORREPORT:{NONE|PROMPT|QUEUE|SEND} /EXPORT:symbol /EXTRACT:membername /INCLUDE:symbol /LIBPATH:dir /LIST[:filename] /LTCG /MACHINE:{ARM|EBC|IA64|MIPS|MIPS16|MIPSFPU|MIPSFPU16| SH4|THUMB|X64|X86} /NAME:filename /NODEFAULTLIB[:library] /NOLOGO /OUT:filename /REMOVE:membername /SUBSYSTEM:{BOOT_APPLICATION|CONSOLE|EFI_APPLICATION| EFI_BOOT_SERVICE_DRIVER|EFI_ROM|EFI_RUNTIME_DRIVER| NATIVE|POSIX|WINDOWS|WINDOWSCE}[,#[.##]] /VERBOSE /WX[:NO]
Normally the librarian takes .OBJ files and combines them into a .LIB, but I think it will also read .LIB files as input.