The response body is return the "formated json with Grape Entity", but the first_prefered is returning the complete object (json format).
How Can I convert the first_prefered
object just to get the exposed fields using grape entity?
module API::V1::Entities
class FeaturedHomekeeperResponseEntity < Grape::Entity
expose :id, documentation: { type: 'integer', desc: 'ID' }
expose :featured_type, documentation: { type: 'string', desc: 'Featured Type' }
let(:address) { Fabricate(:address) }
it 'should return the first prefered homekeeper of an address' do
first_prefered = Fabricate(:featured_homekeeper_as_first_prefered, address: address)
get "/api/v1/addresses/#{}/prefered/first"
expect(json).to eq(YAML.load(first_prefered.to_json))
I don't think you should use Grape::Entity to format data inside your test scenario. Since this is an acceptance/integration test, which is supposed to be written from the user perspective. it should contain the least amount possible of code related things. IMHO you should pick the keys/values out of the JSON manually.