
Bitwise Interval Arithmetic

I've recently read an interesting thread on the D newsgroup, which basically asks,

Given two (signed) integers a ∈ [amin, amax], b ∈ [bmin, bmax], what is the tightest interval of a | b?

I'm think if interval arithmetics can be applied on general bitwise operators (assuming infinite bits). The bitwise-NOT and shifts are trivial since they just corresponds to -1 − x and 2n x. But bitwise-AND/OR are a lot trickier, due to the mix of bitwise and arithmetic properties.

Is there a polynomial-time algorithm to compute the intervals of bitwise-AND/OR?



  • For an interval [amin, amax] of non-negative integers we can compute a bitwise minimum a0, where bits are independently set to 0 whenever that is possible within the interval. Similarly, we can compute a bitwise maximum a1 where bits are set to 1 as much as possible in the interval. For [bmin, bmax] we do the same and get b0 and b1. Then the result interval is [a0 | b0, a1 | b1].

    It is easy to check for a bit which values it can take for an a from [amin, amax]. For bit n, if all bits m with m >= n agree in amin and amax then the value is forced, otherwise it can be 0 or 1.

    This can be done in O(n).

    The signed case is left as an exercise for the reader. The first step is to provide a definition what the bitwise operators mean for negative integers.

    Edit: Unfortunately this is wrong: Consider the case where [amin, amax] = [bmin, bmax] = [1,2]. Then a | b can be either 1, 2 or 3, but the bitwise minimum is 0.