
Sanitizing PHP Variables, am I overusing it?

I've been working with PHP for some time and I began asking myself if I'm developing good habits.

One of these is what I belive consists of overusing PHP sanitizing methods, for example, one user registers through a form, and I get the following post variables:

$_POST['name'], $_POST['email'] and $_POST['captcha']. Now, what I usually do is obviously sanitize the data I am going to place into MySQL, but when comparing the captcha, I also sanitize it.

Therefore I belive I misunderstood PHP sanitizing, I'm curious, are there any other cases when you need to sanitize data except when using it to place something in MySQL (note I know sanitizing is also needed to prevent XSS attacks). And moreover, is my habit to sanitize almost every variable coming from user-input, a bad one ?


  • Whenever you store your data someplace, and if that data will be read/available to (unsuspecting) users, then you have to sanitize it. So something that could possibly change the user experience (not necessarily only the database) should be taken care of. Generally, all user input is considered unsafe, but you'll see in the next paragraph that some things might still be ignored, although I don't recommend it whatsoever.

    Stuff that happens on the client only is sanitized just for a better UX (user experience, think about JS validation of the form - from the security standpoint it's useless because it's easily avoidable, but it helps non-malicious users to have a better interaction with the website) but basically, it can't do any harm because that data (good or bad) is lost as soon as the session is closed. You can always destroy a webpage for yourself (on your machine), but the problem is when someone can do it for others.

    To answer your question more directly - never worry about overdoing it. It's always better to be safe than sorry, and the cost is usually not more than a couple of milliseconds.