
Reusable DropDownChoice in Wicket Form

In my project I have more than 50 forms, and they are mostly simillar to each other and use the same DropDownChoice component. May I create separate Panel, where I define my DropDownChoice, and after that I will use that Panel in my another forms? Otherwise, how I can implement that situation?

For example

form1 has the next fields:

form2 has the next fields:
city(again the same DropDownChoice)

I want to make beautiful solution of that approach.


  • It is better to extend DropDownChoice with your predefined parameters, and not a Panel with real DropDownChoice.

    There are at least two advantages of this approach:

    1. You don't need to create separate markup file, as it comes with Panel-approach.
    2. You could use DropDownChoice methods directly. Otherwise, you should forward such methods as Panel's methods, or implement getter method for DDC.

    So, it would be better to something like this:

    public class CityDropDownChoice extends DropDownChoice<City> // use your own generic
        /* define only one constructor, but you can implement another */
        public CityDropDownChoice ( final String id )
            super ( id );
        /* private method to construct ddc according to your will */
        private void init ()
            setChoices ( /* Your cities model or list of cities, fetched from somewhere */ );
            setChoiceRenderer ( /*  You can define default choice renderer */ );
            setOutputMarkupId ( true );
            /* maybe add some Ajax behaviors */
            add(new AjaxEventBehavior ("change")
                protected void onEvent ( final AjaxRequestTarget target )
                    onChange ( target );
        /*in some forms you can override this method to do something
          when choice is changed*/
        protected void onChange ( final AjaxRequestTarget target )
            // override to do something.

    And in your forms simply use:

    Form form = ...;
    form.add ( new CityDropDownChoice ( "cities" ) );

    Think that this approach will suit your needs.