We have an application that is Java dependent that we are working on a SCCM installer to push out to clients.
Due to Java being updated almost monthly (and the old updates expiring 30 days thereafter) we're looking for a way to have the SCCM installer stay updated with the latest Java version. We have the ability to run a Powershell script from our SCCM installer, but we haven't found a way to write a script that will automatically download and install the latest Java version.
Does anyone know if this is possible, and how we could go about it?
Thanks in advance!!
You can probably use the links available on this page for the download: http://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp
Alternatively, you can do the download once and put it on a file share so you can use simple methods for copying the file from a UNC path like
Just be prepared for headaches. Having dealt with removing and upgrading Java on dozens of machines myself, I can tell you it's not always a clean uninstall/reinstall. Unless they've improved the uninstaller, there's a good chance you will eventually hit a situation where Java's installer thinks it's installed, but it's not. I've also seen the opposite where it thinks it's not installed but it is.