I am a beginner and I have a simple application I have developed locally which uses mongodb with mongoKit as follows:
app = Flask(__name__)
customerDB = MongoKit(app)
then in views I just use the CustomerDB
I have put everything on heroku cloud but my database connection doesn't work.
I got the link I need to connect by:
heroku config | grep MONGOLAB_URI
but I am not sure how to pull this. I looked at the following post, but I am more confused How can I use the mongolab add-on to Heroku from python?
Any help would be appreciated.
According to the documentation, Flask-MongoKit supports a set of configuration settings.
environment setting needs to be parsed to get each of these. We can use this answer to the question you linked to as a starting point.
import os
from urlparse import urlsplit
from flask import Flask
from flask_mongokit import MongoKit
app = Flask(__name__)
# Get the URL from the Heroku setting.
url = os.environ.get('MONGOLAB_URI', 'mongodb://localhost:27017/some_db_name')
# Parse it.
parsed - urlsplit(url)
# The database name comes from the path, minus the leading /.
app.config['MONGODB_DATABASE'] = parsed.path[1:]
if '@' in parsed.netloc:
# If there are authentication details, split the network locality.
auth, server = parsed.netloc.split('@')
# The username and password are in the first part, separated by a :.
app.config['MONGODB_USERNAME'], app.config['MONGODB_PASSWORD'] = auth.split(':')
# Otherwise the whole thing is the host and port.
server = parsed.netloc
# Split whatever version of netloc we have left to get the host and port.
app.config['MONGODB_HOST'], app.config['MONGODB_PORT'] = server.split(':')
customerDB = MongoKit(app)