
Why has Xcode 6.1 killed [NSLocale preferredLanguages] in IOS 8 simulators

Yesterday Xcode updated to v6.1.

Now, [NSLocale preferredLanguages] is returning an empty array in the iPhone, but only for IOS 8 - both in iPhone 5 and 6 emulators. IOS 7 simulators are still working fine.

A physical iPhone 6 device doesn't appear to be affected - it's just the simulators.

The usual attempts - clean project, restart Xcode, reboot Mac - have made no difference. So, what's the best strategy - wait for Xcode 6.1.1, or send a complaint to an Apple list (which one) ?


  • I've flagged this for consideration as a dupe. Global preferences aren't working in the iOS 8.1 simulator. Localization is one such global preference. See:

    See iOS8.1 Simulator always uses US keyboard layout despite german hardware keyboard

    As for "strategy" ... you could just note that it's a known issue documented in the release notes and wait for a fix, or you can file a radar at