
Filter a range by array

I have a Google Spreadsheet containing the teams of the UEFA EURO 2012, and their scores:

Team     Points  Goals scored
------   ------  ------------
Germany    6          3
Croatia    3          3
Ireland    0          1
...       ...        ...

Now I want to filter that list, so that the result contains only a subset of the teams involved. Specifically, I want the resulting list to contain only the teams Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, Italy, England, France, Spain and Croatia.

I know I can use the FILTER function to extract a single value from the table. Thus, I could probably write a FILTER expression like =FILTER(A2:C; A2:A = 'Germany' OR A2:A = 'Netherlands' OR A2:A = 'Portugal' OR ...) but I would like to avoid this, as the list of teams is sort of dynamic.

So the question is: How can I filter the table by a range of values - not just a single value?


  • For answer-seekers who stumble onto this thread as I did, Yogi and ahab of Google forum fame, present solutions to the question of how to filter a range of data by another range of data.

    If A3:C contains the range of UEFA EURO 2012 data to be filtered, and D3:D contains the list of teams by which to filter, then E3 ...

    =FILTER(A3:C, MATCH(A3:A, D3:D,0))


    =FILTER(A3:C, COUNTIF(D3:D, A3:A))

    Positive filter results

    Conversely, if you'd like to filter by teams not listed in D3:D, then E3...

    =FILTER(A3:C, ISNA(MATCH(A3:A, D3:D,0)))



    Negative filter results

    Here's an example spreadsheet I've made to demonstrate these functions' effectiveness.