
Storyboard in Xcode is so slow

I have 150 UIViewController in Storyboard and scrolling between these Views is so slow. I can't zoom in and zoom out easily and it takes some serious time to do sty.

I'm on MBPR and I installed Xcode 4.4

Spec: 2.3GHz / 16G / 256 which I think it's enough to handle such a thing.

Is there any options, settings, or tips/tricks to have so many views in storyboard and don't miss the performance.

NOTE: I've done all the possible solutions (deleting cache and workspace). Didn't work. It has something to do with number of UIViewController in Storyboard.


Update 2016: Just to update this question as there is a new feature in Xcode 7 that allows you to refactor the Storyboard into multiple Storyboards.

Refactoring Storyboards https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/recipes/xcode_help-IB_storyboard/Chapters/RefactorStoryboard.html

If you search the term "refactoring storyboards" you will find good tutorials :)


  • Definitely use multiple storyboards for this. I am not aware of any limitations in using storyboards but trying to render all those UI code at one time is hard for your machine and it is also hard for developers to understand.

    Try to logically divine your storyboards into categories such as: "profileSB, feedSB, mapSB, messagesSB, settingsSB"

    Here are some good tutorials on the creation of these: