I am trying to improve GradleFX's IntelliJ IDEA project generation feature and want to retrieve the full path + filename for external dependencies:
// Generate the dependencies XML for the .iml file:
].each { configType ->
project.configurations[configType].allDependencies.each { Dependency dependency ->
if (dependency instanceof DefaultProjectDependency) {
// generate XML for a module dependency, no need for the file
} else if (dependency instanceof DefaultSelfResolvingDependency) {
def selfDependency = dependency as DefaultSelfResolvingDependency;
selfDependency.source.files.each { file ->
// generate XML for a dependency
} else if (dependency instanceof DefaultExternalModuleDependency) {
DefaultExternalModuleDependency externalDependency = dependency as DefaultExternalModuleDependency;
// This is an external dependency.
// How to get a reference to the actual file in the cache?
The original code for this function is at https://github.com/GradleFx/GradleFx/blob/develop/src/main/groovy/org/gradlefx/ide/tasks/idea/IdeaProject.groovy , I want to get the addDependencies() function working for external dependencies.
How can I get the full path + filename to external dependencies?
The code below should give You set of files that are resolved as dependencies:
def files = project.configurations[configType].files(externalDependency)