Is it possible to select from a bulk collection?
Something along these lines:
CURSOR customer_cur IS
SELECT CustomerId,
FROM Customers
WHERE CustomerAreaCode = '576';
TYPE customer_table IS TABLE OF customer_cur%ROWTYPE;
my_customers customer_table;
OPEN customer_cur;
FETCH customer_cur
BULK COLLECT INTO my_customers;
-- This is what I would like to do
SELECT CustomerName
FROM my_customers
WHERE CustomerId IN (1, 2, 3);
I don't seem to be able to select from the my_customers
Yes, you can. Declare yourself schema-level types as follows:
create or replace rec_customer_cur
object (
customerid integer, -- change to the actual type of customers.customerid
customername varchar2(100) -- change to the actual type of customers.customername
create or replace type customer_table
table of rec_customer_cur;
Then, in your PLSQL code, you can declare
CURSOR customer_cur IS
SELECT new rec_customer_cur(CustomerId, CustomerName)
FROM Customers
WHERE CustomerAreaCode = '576';
... and then use ...
SELECT CustomerName
INTO whatever
FROM table(my_customers)
WHERE CustomerId IN (1, 2, 3);
This is because schema-level types can be used in SQL context.