I have an input page with labels and buttons that is too long to fit on the screen of any of the iPhones. I want to let the user scroll vertically to make all the inputs.
I'd like to do the layout in storyboard.
All the suggested answers I can find either deal with different situations: - Layout all by code - Content is images which have an inherent size - May work with autolayout/xcode 5 but I can't make work for adaptive layout and xcode6
Here's visually what I am talking about. The yellow box is the view that holds the input elements. The black box represents what can be seen at any time.
Here's what I have tried, based on my research:
What I get in the simulator: Just the elements that can fit within the original screen size.
Can anyone help solve what I feel like must be a common problem?
Thanks to hardik, I think I have this sorted out. Most of what I was doing was right, but I was missing a key set of constraints (and I had one extra that I didn't need or want.)
Here is what I believe to be the method to use and the minimum set of constraints that make it work.
Now you will need to add constraints within the content view to lay out the content. These obviously differ based on your situation. I needed to have constraints that defined the layout completely from top to bottom and side to side.