I need to use a JavaFX 2.2 TreeView control inside a larger scrollpane that has several other elements which are not part of the Treeview. The problem is that TreeView has its own built-in scrollpane. Does anyone have an example of a way to turn off the built-in scrollpane so that the TreeView grows as large as the items contained within it?
While it is not currently possible to remove the scroll bars, it IS possible to mostly hide them with CSS.
.your-selector *.column-header-background *.show-hide-columns-button,
.your-selector *.scroll-bar:vertical *.increment-button,
.your-selector *.scroll-bar:vertical *.decrement-button,
.your-selector *.scroll-bar:vertical *.increment-arrow,
.your-selector *.scroll-bar:vertical *.decrement-arrow {
-fx-background-color: null;
-fx-background-radius: 0;
-fx-background-insets: 0;
-fx-padding: 0;
-fx-shape: null;
.your-selector *.scroll-bar:horizontal,
.your-selector *.scroll-bar:horizontal *.track,
.your-selector *.scroll-bar:horizontal *.track-background,
.your-selector *.scroll-bar:horizontal *.thumb,
.your-selector *.scroll-bar:horizontal *.increment-button,
.your-selector *.scroll-bar:horizontal *.decrement-button,
.your-selector *.scroll-bar:horizontal *.increment-arrow,
.your-selector *.scroll-bar:horizontal *.decrement-arrow {
-fx-base: transparent;
-fx-background-color: white;