
Use Maven Cargo to install Wildfly with Keycloak

I'm trying to use Maven Cargo to produce a Wildfly container and get Keycloak running on it. I've been at this for a while now and the way I see it there are two ways to go about it. I could either use an artifact installer for Wildfly and then try to deploy Keycloak to it, or I could use a zip installer and have it install Keycloak's appliance build. I have the basics of both solutions working although neither of them work all the way.
They both seem to have downsides. If you use the artifact installer you have a more stable installer, but deploying the war takes quite a bit of lower level configuration for Wildfly. (Deployment Instructions). On the other hand, the zip installer requires finding a place to download a distribution from and then manipulating it a bit before Cargo will recognize it, because the zip structure is not what Cargo seems to be expecting.

I'm getting the zip from here: https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/repositories/releases/org/keycloak/keycloak-appliance-dist-all/1.0.2.Final/keycloak-appliance-dist-all-1.0.2.Final.zip)

Thanks in advance guys.


  • I figured out a way to do this and attached the relevant pom snippet. The only oddball piece here ends up being the files section. It's being used to deploy a database file that has a couple test users, realms, apps, etc.

                <!-- <log>${basedir}/target/cargo.log</log> -->
                <!-- <output>${basedir}/target/wildfly.log</output> -->