Using speech recognition I want to create a spelling game in which a user says the letter. For example, the user says "S" "T" "A" "C" "K".
I am using PocketSphinx to accomplish this. Here is my code:
File modelsDir = new File(assetsDir, "models");
recognizer = defaultSetup()
.setAcousticModel(new File(modelsDir, "hmm/en-us-semi"))
.setDictionary(new File(modelsDir, "dict/cmu07a.dic"))
// Create keyword-activation search.
recognizer.addKeyphraseSearch(KWS_SEARCH, KEYPHRASE);
// Create grammar-based searches.
File menuGrammar = new File(modelsDir, "grammar/menu.gram");
recognizer.addGrammarSearch(MENU_SEARCH, menuGrammar);
File digitsGrammar = new File(modelsDir, "grammar/digits.gram");
recognizer.addGrammarSearch(DIGITS_SEARCH, digitsGrammar);
// Create language model search.
File languageModel = new File(modelsDir, "lm/weather.dmp");
recognizer.addNgramSearch(FORECAST_SEARCH, languageModel);
How do I recognize the letters that the user say?
Or is there any library that I can use to accomplish this?
You are currently loading two grammers into your recognizer. I believe digits.gram contains numbers.
File menuGrammar = new File(modelsDir, "grammar/menu.gram");
recognizer.addGrammarSearch(MENU_SEARCH, menuGrammar);
File digitsGrammar = new File(modelsDir, "grammar/digits.gram");
So I think what you could do is make a file letter.gram and load it into your program
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar speech;
public <speech> = A |
B |
File letterGrammar = new File(PUT CORRECT PATH WITH FILE NAME);
recognizer.addGrammarSearch("speech", letterGrammar);