I have a symbolic ODE:
syms x1 x2 cs ks ms t2 real
xx=[x1 x2];
fun_sym=[xx(2); (cs/ms)*(xx(1)^2-1)*xx(2) - (ks/ms)*xx(1)];
I want to solve it using ODE function, but first I need to convert it into function handle:
v=matlabFunction(fun_sym,'vars', [t2,xx,cs,ks,ms]);
[T,x]= ode15s(@(t2,xx) v,t,[1 0]);
where t=[0:0.1:1]
. Matlab gives an error:
@(T2,XX)V returns a vector of length 1, but the length of initial conditions vector is 2.
I think this is because it interpret v as: @(t2,x1,x2,cs,ks,ms)
, so it expects the second argument to be x1
, which is a 1-by-1 element, even though I have defined v as [t2,xx,...]
, where xx
is a 1-by-2 element. How can I solve this issue?
This works, but you need to give values to the other parameters as well (cs
, ks
, and ms
v=matlabFunction(fun_sym,'vars', [t2,x1,x2,cs,ks,ms]);
[T,x]= ode15s(@(t2,xx) v(t2,xx(1),xx(2),cs,ks,ms),t,[1 0]);