i have two arraylists one is double name = numbers which store user input(double) and second is character name = operators which store input(+,-,*,/) entered by the user. the code is below. i want that when user enter a values the code should get the numbers value and do the operation entered in operators. please check the code below and tell me how to do it.
List<Double> numbers = new ArrayList<>();
List<Character> operators = new ArrayList<>();
/* after getting input from user the code is now working as below.*/
void result() {
for (int i = 0; i < handler; i++) {
double total2 = operators.get(i) + numbers.get(i);
total3 += total2;
/*all values are just being add with eachother which are entered by the user.
help me how to solve this issue. */
Basically its not possible with the way you are doing like:
double total2= operators.get(i)+numbers.get(i);
You would need a switch with operators like:
switch (operators.get(i)) {
case '+':
//do add
case '-':
blah blah...