I'm looking at the codes to find the parameters of this triangle shaped polygons parameters. But I just can't find it.
final String[] items = new String[] { "Point", "Line", "Polygon", "Poligon (Koordinat)" };
typeBuilder.setItems(items, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int item) {
Map<String, String> userData = new HashMap<String, String>();
switch (item) {
case 0:
mapView.createElement(Point.class, userData);
case 1:
mapView.createElement(Line.class, userData);
case 2:
mapView.createElement(Polygon.class, userData);
I'm just trying to add my own polygon with coordinates and I want this polygon to be an editable one. Can someone explain me how does this automatic editable polygon is created?
The polygons are defined in https://github.com/nutiteq/advancedlayers/blob/master/src/main/java/com/nutiteq/editable/EditableMapView.java , method public VectorElement createElement()
. If you extend the EditableMapView
, then you should get what you want.