
AWS S3 upload fails: RequestTimeTooSkewed

I'm using

aws s3 sync ~/folder/ s3:// --delete

to upload (and sync) a large number of files to an S3 bucket. Some - but not all - of the files fail, throwing this error message:

upload failed: to s3://bucketname/folder/ A client error (RequestTimeTooSkewed) occurred when calling the UploadPart operation: The difference between the request time and the current time is too large

I know that the cause of this error is usually a local time that's out of sync with Internet time, but I'm running NTP (on my Ubuntu PC) and the date/time seem absolutely accurate - and this error has only been reported for about 15 out of the forty or so files I've uploaded so far. Some of the files are relatively large - up to about 70MB each - and my upload speeds aren't fantastic: could S3 possibly be comparing the initial and completion times and reporting their difference as an error? Thanks,


  • It now seems that multipart uploads were failing on aws s3. Using s3cmd instead works perfectly.