I'm using
aws s3 sync ~/folder/ s3:// --delete
to upload (and sync) a large number of files to an S3 bucket. Some - but not all - of the files fail, throwing this error message:
upload failed: to s3://bucketname/folder/ A client error (RequestTimeTooSkewed) occurred when calling the UploadPart operation: The difference between the request time and the current time is too large
I know that the cause of this error is usually a local time that's out of sync with Internet time, but I'm running NTP (on my Ubuntu PC) and the date/time seem absolutely accurate - and this error has only been reported for about 15 out of the forty or so files I've uploaded so far. Some of the files are relatively large - up to about 70MB each - and my upload speeds aren't fantastic: could S3 possibly be comparing the initial and completion times and reporting their difference as an error? Thanks,
It now seems that multipart uploads were failing on aws s3. Using s3cmd instead works perfectly.