
Wrong rest service is selected

i have resource with two methods:

public Response getPartnerInteractionsByDate(
        @PathParam("partnerId") int partnerId,
        @PathParam("date") String date

public Response getPartnerInteraction(
        @PathParam("partnerId") int partnerId,
        @PathParam("interactionId") int interactionId

how can I select one or another service? if I put "1" for interactionId, still the method with date gets executed. I am using apache cxf 3.0.1. Thank you


  • There are two problems. The first is that your Path must contain the PathParams you're binding. Second, your two paths are identical in that they both take 2 parameters of the same type (cxf has no way of knowing the difference between an int and a string containing an int).

    Try something like this:

    public Response getPartnerInteractionsByDate(
            @PathParam("partnerId") int partnerId,
            @PathParam("date") String date
    public Response getPartnerInteraction(
            @PathParam("partnerId") int partnerId,
            @PathParam("interactionId") int interactionId