
VB6 Game Development

I am developing a game in VB6 (plz don't ask me why :) ).
The storyboard is ready and a rough implementation is underway.

I am following a "pure-software-rendering" approach. (i.e. no DirectX, no openGL etc.)

Amongst many others, the following "serious" problems exist:

Any ideas anyone. Please suggest any well documented library/ocx or sample-code.
Plz do suggest solutions with good performance and as little overhead as possible.

Also, anyone who has developed any games,
and would be open to sharing her/his code would be highly appreciated.
(any well-acknowledged VB games whose source-code i can study??)

UPDATE: Here is a screen shot of GearHead Garage.
This picture ought to describe what i was attempting in words above... :)

alt text


  • You may want to check out the Game Programming Wiki -- it used to be "Lucky's VB Game Site" (and we're talking a LONG time ago) but all of the content (VB5/6 centric) moved to the Wiki with the addition of other languages.

    It appears that much of the legacy VB6 content is still available on the site.