
How To Install Pervasive ODBC on Ubuntu Linux?

It's not often I can't find any answer to a question online, but this is one of those times. I'm trying to install an OBDC driver on Linux for Pervasive SQL (PSQL). Does anyone know how or where I can find this?



  • Depending on the version of Pervasive you're using, the ODBC driver is part of the Client install. For Pervasive PSQL v11, the client is available an RPM or as a TAR for 32 bit or 64 bit at http://www.pervasive.com/database/Home/Products/PSQLv11.aspx with instructions at http://docs.pervasive.com/products/database/psqlv11/wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/html/wwhelp.htm#href=getstart/04nstunx.13.1.html.

    UPDATE: As of October 2021, available downloads are at https://esd.actian.com/.

    UPDATE 2: Current version of Pervasive PSQL is Actian Zen 15.20 and the docs for installing on Linux are at https://docs.actian.com/zen/v15/#page/getstart/04nstunx.htm