
how to check if a service implements an interface in grails

I have an interface "TestInterface" and grails service "TestService" that implements the "TestInterface". But when I test if I have a service that implements the interface like this:

application.serviceClasses?.each { serviceClazz ->

            if(serviceClazz instanceof TestInterface) {
                println "service name => "+ serviceClazz.name;

The result is I am not getting anything neither error nor my expectation ( service name => TestService )

I have also tried changing the serviceClazz to serviceClazz.class,serviceClazz.metaClass in the if condition but still not working.

Thank you,


  • What about:

    if (TestInterface.class.isAssignableFrom(serviceClazz)) {


    So I managed to run the actual example using Grails 2.3.11.

    class BootStrap {
        def grailsApplication
        def init = { servletContext ->
            grailsApplication.serviceClasses.each { serviceClazz ->
                if (TestInterface.isAssignableFrom(serviceClazz.clazz)) {
                    println serviceClazz
        def destroy = {

    As you can see, the important part is clazz in serviceClazz.clazz.

    Hope this helps!