
Django Sites Framework: Initial Data Migration Location

Before Django 1.7, when using the Django Sites Framework one could/should define the initial data using Initial Fixtures.


    "pk": 1,
    "model": "",
    "fields": {
      "domain": "domain1",
      "name": "name1"
    "pk": 2,
    "model": "",
    "fields": {
      "domain": "domain2",
      "name": "name2"
    "pk": 3,
    "model": "",
    "fields": {
      "domain": "domain3",
      "name": "name3"

Since it is a global project setting, I added a "fixtures" folder to the project root, and added it to FIXTURE_DIRS.

# Used to search fixture files directories.
# Fixture files are files that provide initial data to be
# inserted in the database. (>python loaddata)

        os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, "fixtures"),

Now, I'm using Django 1.7, and it is recommended to use migrations. Quoting Django documentation:

To set the correct name and domain for your project, you can use a data migration.

The problem is Migrations are app-specific:

python makemigrations --empty yourappname

So, what is the recommended approach to add the Site information to my project, using a data migration? Where should this migration live?

Running python makemigrations --empty sites creates the migration in the third party app folder, so we don't want that.

Shouldn't be possible to define a MIGRATION_DIRS as FIXTURE_DIRS existed for the initial_data?

I found MIGRATION_MODULES in settings documentation, but the problem still remains, it is app-specific.


  • First, configure MODULE_MIGRATIONS in your django settings:

        'sites': 'myproject.fixtures.sites_migrations',

    Then, run ./ makemigrations sites to have django create the directory and create in the myproject.fixtures.sites_migrations package.

    Then, do ./ makemigrations --empty sites. The migration file should be created in the specified package.

    My file looks like this:

    from __future__ import unicode_literals
    from django.db import migrations
    def insert_sites(apps, schema_editor):
        """Populate the sites model"""
        Site = apps.get_model('sites', 'Site')
        # Register SITE_ID = 1
        Site.objects.create(domain='', name='create')
        # Register SITE_ID = 2
        Site.objects.create(domain='', name='www')
    class Migration(migrations.Migration):
        dependencies = [
            ('sites', '0001_initial'),
        operations = [