After Graphite Installation the follwoing folder structure is being created in the /opt/graphite directory
Under the rrd folder location, i have copied all the rrd files
bash # ls -l /opt/graphite/storage/rrd/BulkData/device01-test/
and the output is
cpu-0 interface-br0 interface-eth1 interface-eth3 interface-lo load
cpu-1 interface-eth0 interface-eth2 interface-ethip0 interface-ueth3 memory
When i goes to the graphite web-server it's displays nothing, is this is the correct way to load archived rrd data, in the rrd location
i have restarted the carbon and apache httpd server but stills the UI not showing the metrics of this data, whats wrong i'm doing ?
Maybe your Graphite instance is missing RRD support because you haven't installed python-rrdtool
as mentioned in the Graphite installation document? I suppose Graphite checks for the availability of this module and if missing disables RRD support.