
afnetworking request parameter sequence

I am trying to produce a request using afnetworking in objective c, however, it seems like the hardware that I am trying to connect to only applies requests when the parameters of the request are in a specific order. So I am wondering if there is a way to make the request so that the parameters are in a specific order. (As just doing it normally seems to jumble the sequence of the params up)

Here's my code:

NSDictionary *params = @{
                         @"param1" : @"bla",
                         @"param2" : @"bla2",
                         @"param3" : @"bla3"

[requestManager GET:@"somewhere" parameters:params success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id responseObject) {
            } failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {
                DLog(@"Fail: %@", error);

It actually goes to success every time, its just that the request I had applied would be practically ignored.

The actual request body becomes something like "param3=bla3&param1=bla1&param2=bla2 etc which would be ignored as it seems.


  • You can't do that using the request manager in the way you currently are.

    Instead, you would need to create the parameter list yourself, and then create a request from that. Then you could use AFN to handle the request transmission and response.

    Note that the server shouldn't require a specific order and that this should be changed if possible. Note also that the dictionary of parameters has no order (even though you add the keys in a set order).