
Detect Cyclic Dependancy in Hashmap in Java

I have a hashmap of:

Tables => Set of Parent Tables [ HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> ]

Example of non-cyclic case could be:

A -> [B,C]
D -> [B,C]
B -> [C]
c -> []

Example of cyclic case would be:

A -> [B,C]
B -> [C]
C -> [A]

I want to reject the cyclic cases and hence need a function which could detect if the provided hashmap has any cycles or not :

public boolean hasDependencies(HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> objectAndItsDependentsMap)

I have read posts suggesting algorithms to detect cycles but being a newbie to java could not use that knowledge to makeup the above function.


  • Here's a rough implementation based solely on your example. I suggest testing against other examples.

    public boolean hasDependencies(Map<String, Set<String>> objectAndItsDependentsMap) {
        for (String node : objectAndItsDependentsMap.keySet()) {
            final Set<String> directNeighbors = objectAndItsDependentsMap.get(node);
            for (String directNeighbor : directNeighbors) {
                Set<String> next = objectAndItsDependentsMap.get(directNeighbor);
                while (next != null) {
                    for (String n : next) {
                        next = objectAndItsDependentsMap.get(n);
                        if (next != null && (next.contains(n) || next.contains(node))) {
                            return true;
        return false;