
Javascript load and post

I have this function in javascript

function save(){
//Complex List
    var proofer_filter = document.getElementById('proofer').value;
    var proofer_filter = proofer_filter.split(' ').join('_')
    var status_filter = document.getElementById('status_filter').value;
    var status_filter = status_filter.split(' ').join('_');
    var cstart = document.getElementById('cstart').value;
    var cstart = cstart.split(' ').join('_');
    var cend = document.getElementById('cend').value;
    var cend = cend.split(' ').join('_');
    $("#complex_list").load("pages/complexlist.php?proofer="+proofer_filter+"&status_filter="+status_filter+"&start="+cstart+"&end="+cend+"&dept=<?php echo str_replace(" ","_",$department)?>");

//Complex Form
var account_type = document.getElementById('account_type').value;
var account_type = account_type.split(' ').join('_');
var log_id = document.getElementById('complexid').value;

    $("#show_form").load("pages/complexform.php?refno="+log_id+"&dept="+account_type+"&user=<?php echo str_replace(" ","_",$user)?>&save=y");

It is a page with two divs wherein each div loads a remote page. One of this divs is a form which has a submit button. When clicking it the form values does not post. Thus I could not use it as a php variable. Can anyone help?


  • split out your javascript into 2 sections

        $("#complex_list").load("pages/complexlist.php?proofer="+proofer_filter+"&status_filter="+status_filter+"&start="+cstart+"&end="+cend+"&dept=<?php echo str_replace(" ","_",$department)?>");
        $("#show_form").load("pages/complexform.php?refno="+log_id+"&dept="+account_type+"&user=<?php echo str_replace(" ","_",$user)?>&save=y");

    you will also need to create the function to save the form and an event listener for when someone clicks on your save button.

    var saveForm= {
        init: function () {
        $('#submit-button').on('click', function () {
            //only set all of your values if you are planning to submit an ajax form otherwise just submit the form with the last line of the event listener.
            var proofer_filter = document.getElementById('proofer').value;
            var proofer_filter = proofer_filter.split(' ').join('_')
            var status_filter = document.getElementById('status_filter').value;
            //make sure to put your submit form in here too.
            $( "#form" ).submit();
            //if you are using ajax to submit the form, use the variables above to pass into the ajax call.

    If you do not know where you are going wrong, use the Developer tools (F12) in Chrome when you are developing