I have an XML column:
The sug
can hold only a enum memeber(ACHER
or DOA
). I would like to check if there is a sug
without one of these values.
In this way I get just the sug node where it is one of the enum values:
SELECT XMLSERIALIZE(XMLQUERY ('//xmlList/XMLEntity/sug[.="ACHER"]' passing
KTOVET ) as char large object) as XXX ,
XMLSERIALIZE(XMLQUERY ('//xmlList/XMLEntity/sug[.="DOA"]' passing
KTOVET ) as char large object) as YYY
I would like to get the sug
nodes where the value is not one of the enums value. Possible?
How can I get the sug nodes where its value is "ACHER"?
SELECT XMLSERIALIZE(XMLQUERY ('//xmlList/XMLEntity/sug[.!="ACHER" and .!="DOA"]'
passing KTOVET ) as char large object) as XXX