Suppose system is evolved by extraterrestrial creatures having only 3 figures and they use the figures 0,1,2 with (2>1>0) ,How to represent the binary equivalent of 222 using this?
I calculated it to be 22020
but the book answers it 11010 .how this.Shouldn't i use the same method to binary conversion as from decimal to binary except using '3' here ???
I think you meant base 3 (not binary) equivalent of decimal 222
22020 in base 3 is 222 in decimal.
220202(your answer) in base 3 is 668 in decimal.
11010 (according to book) in base 3 is 111 in decimal.
222 in binary is 11011110
May be i will be able to tell where you went wrong if you tell the method you used to calculate base 3 equivalent of 222
Edit: Sorry I could not understand the problem until you provide the link. It says what is binary equivalent of 222 (remember 222 is in base 3)
222 in base 3 = 26 in decimal (base 10)
26 in decimal = 11010 in binary
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