
Do Android/webOS devices support multi-touch Javascript events?

On iPhone, iPod touch and (presumably) iPad, Apple has multi-touch event handling available via JavaScript in Mobile Safari. I know the Nexus One recently added multi-touch support via an update, and I believe webOS is also multi-touch enabled. Do Android 2.1 and/or webOS have access to multi-touch in the browser, or is this currently exclusive to Apple devices?


  • The best master tracking for touch events (other than multi-touch! - answered above) appears to be:

    Right now, Android 2.1 gets you pinch/zoom, but that's it. There's no fine-grained multi-touch tracking, like you get on iPhone.

    UPDATE: MAY 2011 - Android Honeycomb 3.0 and 3.1 browsers now have proper multitouch