I have a unique situation and I can't find any help on it. I have a RadGrid that uses a User Web Control(.ascx) to insert and edit the grid items. I need to used javascript to get the value of two RadTextBox on the User Web Control and sum them together and then update a third RadTextBox with the result value.
Here is my problem: 1) I have to create the javascript on the parent aspx page in order for the User Web Control to see it. If I create it on the .ascx page, it doesn't see it. 2) Since I have to create it on the parent aspx page where the grid reside, I can't figure a way to access the RadTextBox value on the User Web Control.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Is there a way to run the javascript within the User Web Control?
I figure out the answer. The trick is to add my javascript in a RadScriptBlock in the .ascx page. Example of what I was trying to do:
<telerik:RadScriptBlock ID="RadScriptBlock1" runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript">
function getTotal() {
var jan = $find("<%= txtJan.ClientID %>");
var feb = $find("<%= txtFeb.ClientID %>");
var mar = $find("<%= txtMar.ClientID %>");
var apr = $find("<%= txtApr.ClientID %>");
var may = $find("<%= txtMay.ClientID %>");
var jun = $find("<%= txtJun.ClientID %>");
var jul = $find("<%= txtJul.ClientID %>");
var aug = $find("<%= txtAug.ClientID %>");
var sep = $find("<%= txtSep.ClientID %>");
var oct = $find("<%= txtOct.ClientID %>");
var nov = $find("<%= txtNov.ClientID %>");
var dec = $find("<%= txtDec.ClientID %>");
var total = $find("<%= txtTotal.ClientID %>");
total.set_value(jan.get_value() + feb.get_value() + mar.get_value() + apr.get_value() + may.get_value() + jun.get_value() + jul.get_value() + aug.get_value() + sep.get_value() + oct.get_value() + nov.get_value() + dec.get_value());
This will sum the total of all the months into the txtTotal textbox.