how can I convert my QString composed of just one unicode to QChar and char?
I have this character cedilla.
I don't have any idea yet about QChar but I tried using this code for converting QString to char.
char c[2];
strcpy(c, keyItem.contentText.toUtf8().constData());
printf("Character is: %c\n", c[0]);
but it shows this character �
My 'keyItem' is a class and contentText returns a QString although there's only one character. When I try to return the usual letters I could read them right.
Update: I am trying to create a keyboard and I have to get the int value of the QString that's why I have to convert it to char first.
I will be using this to create the keyboard.
void send(int key){
QWSServer::sendKeyEvent(key, key, 0, true, false);
Thanks anyway. I found now the solution.
QChar c;
c = keyItem.contentText[0];