I am sending sms using (http:/ myIP:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms?from=XXXX&username=kannel&password=kannel&text=TESTSMS&to=9122222288) in Kannel
I am able to send sms successfully. I receive SMS as
Sender : - XXXX
sms Body :- TESTSMS
In this case my sender id is XXXX.
Now I want to add my own text to Sender ID eg. XXXX - Welcome TO Kannel
So what changes I need to do in kannel configuration.
Expected SMS:
Sender : - XXXX - Welcome TO Kannel
Your sender ID is what you've specified in the from
parameter in the sendsms URL, i.e., this here: [...]from=XXXX&username=[...]
You don't need to change Kannel configuration to change the sender text, just change the value in the URL. You do have to take into account that: