I'm currently getting my head around http://getkirby.com and am very pleased to far. I activated Markdown Extra which comes shipped with Kirby so I can use Markdown within div-elements.
This works pretty well until the point where I need to create separate paragraphes of text, like so:
<div class="my-class" markdown="1">
This is the first paragraph
This is the second paragraph
Instead of rendering it like this:
<div class="my-class">
<p>This is the first paragraph</p>
<p>This is the second paragraph</p>
I get this result:
<div class="my-class">
<p>This is the first paragraph<br />
This is the second paragraph</p>
Is this wanted behavior I can control or is there something wrong with the parser?
Thanks for your help up front.
This issue was fixed by the developer (https://github.com/erusev/parsedown-extra/issues/18), I've created a pull request for it https://github.com/getkirby/kirby/pull/132