I'm using Wampserver 2.5 Apache2.4 64bit, PHP 5.5 64bit and Ioncube PHP Loader v4.7.1 (Ioncube for PHP 5.5 vc11 ts)
When i test the encoded file i got "The connection was reset" error.
How do I make Ioncube work on Wampserver?
; Ioncube
zend_extension = "C:\wamp\bin\php\ioncube\ioncube_loader_win_5.5.dll"
Ioncube TS or NonTS are same result.
Ioncube is in phpinfo(); but not working.
Slash (/) or Back slash(\) has same effect. not working.
Ioncube did have 64bit vc11 for PHP. please check at http://www.ioncube.com/loaders.php
Windows VC11 (64 bits)
Windows VC11 (Non-TS) (64 bits)
Ioncube does not work with Apache+PHP 64 bit.
WampServer or manual install are not working.
Ioncube says that PHP 64 bit for Windows is currently experimental.