
Android Studio: Block comment style

Block comment style in Eclipse (write /* and press Enter)

 *  Hello World

Block comment style in Android Studio

    Hello World

How can I make my Android Studio block comments look like the one in Eclipse? Couldn't find anything in the settings.


  • You can create a Live Template to do that.

    Follow these steps:

    1. Open Settings (File -> Settings) and go to Live Templates (under Editor)
    2. Click the green + (top right) and choose 1. Live Template
    3. Enter /* as abbreviation and add a description (if desired)
    4. Add the following to the Template text:

       * $END$
    5. Set Expand with to ENTER.

    6. Click Define (highlighted in blue at the bottom) and select areas where you would like the template to be applicable (Java, for example).
    7. Save settings by clicking Apply or OK

    Now you can type /* followed by ENTER to insert the desired code :)