I have a form where I publish data to two different db tables. You can see my Transaction below.
$sql = "INSERT INTO clients (name, contact_person, phone, email, url)
VALUES (:name, :contact_person, :phone, :email, :url)";
$stm = $db->prepare ( $sql );
$stm->bindParam ( ":name", $name );
$stm->bindParam ( ":contact_person", $contact_person );
$stm->bindParam ( ":phone", $phone );
$stm->bindParam ( ":email", $email );
$stm->bindParam ( ":url", $url );
$client = $stm->execute ();
//$last_id = $db->lastInsertId;
$sql = "INSERT INTO task (title, description, user_id, status_id, client_id)
VALUES (:title, :description, :user_id, :status_id ,:client_id)";
$stm = $db->prepare ( $sql );
$stm->bindParam ( ":title", $title );
$stm->bindParam ( ":description", $description );
$stm->bindParam ( ":user_id", $user_id );
$stm->bindParam ( ":status_id", $status_id );
//$stm->bindParam ( ":client_id", $last_id );
$task = $stm->execute ();
However, in my table "task" I have another column "client_id" where I want to bind a value. And the value here, should be the same as the id value that has been auto-incrementet on my clients table.
I therefor need to somehow get the last insertet id from table one, and use that value in table two. I have outcommented my failed attempt, which didn't work, and returned NULL
Can anyone give me some pointers on how to manage this?
Use the function instead:
$last_id = $db->lastInsertId();