I have written an interactive batch script where tasks sometimes take a long time to complete. After each task, the script prompts the user to decide whether to proceed to the next task, return to the main menu, or something else.
I would like to add an "Interactive Alarm" command that makes a small, short beep (like the one heard when turning on a PC) to alert the user of new questions.
Is this possible, and how can it be implemented?
It's not possible to type the BEL
directly in (for example) notepad.
To get it, type echo ^G>>yourbatch.bat
on the command line (don't type ^
, but <Control>-G
, which will be shown as ^G
on the screen). That puts a strange looking character to the end of your file. That's the BEL
character 0x007 ("control-G"). Just copy/move it to any echo
command, you like. Also
set /p "input=^Ggive value: "
is possible (where the ^G
represents that strange char)