I have a client-server service. The client runs on apache cordova and the server is java based. I need to add push notifications to it and I thought about using aerogear. I read the tutorials and successfully sent a push notification from the cordova app.
I want to be able to send a push notification to just one of the clients. Can this be done using aerogear?
Currently the only way to do it would be to add some "criteria" to the message you are sending that targets a specific installation.
So during the registration of your device with the Unified Push Server, you can add an alias to the push config, the device token would probably be best:
var pushConfig = {
pushServerURL: "<pushServerURL e.g http(s)//host:port/context >",
alias: "<alias e.g. a username or an email address optional>",
android: {
ios: {
Then when you send your message, you can add that "alias" as a "criteria".
edit: i've created this JIRA, https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AGPUSH-1117 , to track this